The faith in myself and my horse

A rider which does not believe in his self, will provide for the fact that good and well qualified horses go off and stop to shine.“

Quotation from the german book „Reiten im Einklang mit mir selbst“ from Ilona Krüger, Christine Uhl-Kutsch

The faith moves mountains. Many know this wisdom. And in this believing there is more than just a spark of truth. It is – with my experiences- „the truth“.

Do you believe in yourself and your horse?
Do you think in the fact that you can ride this lesson?
Do you think in the fact that you would become a great rider?
Do you think in the fact that your horse trusts you?
Do you think in the fact that your horse will have a changing?
Do you think in the fact that your horse will be health again?
Do you believe in yourself and your horse?

I say for my part, "YES", I think that my pony Chayenne get healthy. I think that the laminitis disappears. "YES", I think that my pony Ikari, is cured and the skew hip comes again to balance. "YES", I think that my Ikari will see clearly again to 100%. "YES".

The laminitis has disappeared, topical confirmation of my blacksmith – December, 2017. Ikaris hip is in better balance. His state of health has increased from December, 2016 to today from 30% to 80%. I believe in my horses and I believe in myself.

I don’t speak here of a religious faith or prayer, I speak of the energetic strength and energy in ourselves which we’ll give to ourselves and our horses. We transmit positive impulses which are taken up by our horses and will be understood. It is a motivation for the change.

You may have no stress with this faith. You can easily test this with kinesiology tools. If you have stress with this faith, the message does not come up to the horse. Solve first to the knots which causes this stress, work on themselves. I will help with pleasure.

With the help of internal pictures, what you really want to catch with your horse you are not anymore in a conflict to reach your goal.

I always saw my healthy pony Chayenne galloping above the meadow. Now I see my healthy, merry Ikari with a balanced hip. And it’s marching well.

And something else, this faith is truth now. No one can take this away! It is my personal, valuable contribution for me and my horse.

By the way, you are inspiring your environment with this positive setting. This means that events appear which confirm your faith and support.- The veterinarian has a new idea of the treatment, the riding instructor gives you an idea, how you have relaxed positions at ride the lesson, you perceive a workshop about a better understanding for you and your horse … …

The real faith -free of stress - guides you to your individual, personal solution.

The real faith in yourself and your horse „moves mountains“.

With Love for you and your horse – Bettina Gebel.

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